Wellington Communities

Wellington Communities


We’ve made it simple to search the best communities in Wellington , FL. Communities that are close to top-rated schools and horse showgrounds. Pinpoint the community/subdivision you desire and look at the available and new listings. When buying or selling in Wellington it is important to use a realtor that is familiar with the area.

Our search tools make it simple to find the best community for you and your lifestyle. You can contact us to help you find the right area of Wellington that suits your needs.

Wellington, Florida Facts

Population in Wellington, Florida in 2015 was 59,727 and the projected population in 2019 is 62,774. The Racial Composition is as follows as of 2015:
Caucasian & other: 65.1%
Hispanic or Latino: 18.9%
African American:   11.9 %
Asian: 3.9%

The Land Use (In Sq. Miles) as follows:
Land Area: 45.25
Residential: 24.52
Recreation: 1.20
Commercial: 3.90

Canals: 89 miles
Lake: 553 acres

Roadways (miles):
Paved: 323
Unpaved Lanes: 52
Bike/ Pedestrian Paths: 228
Bridle Paths (public): 67

Park Facilities
Neighborhood Parks: 24
Community Parks & Memorials:10